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Posted on 5/2/2024 to /farcon

We keep hearing that infra and UX elements are not good enough yet for consumer crypto. Do you think we're where we need to be right now? Where would you put us on that timeline?


Jesse Pollak 🔵Jesse Pollak 🔵

I think we're close. It goes back to those three thing I talked about. First we need cheaper everything, and we've been making progress on that. With 404, we saw cost go down 10x and usage go up 5X. We need it to be really cheap and easy for everyone to be on chain. The second thing is identity and social substrate. Apps integrated into social networks are just an order of magnitude more interesting. The third part that's been missing is wallets. They're not good enough. We came up with something called the Smart Wallet that's launching really soon, so you won't need a separate app or another extension - this will play a big role.