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DYOR 🎩 🔵 🐲
DYOR 🎩 🔵 🐲
Posted on 5/2/2024 to /farcon

A lot of amazing products are going to require reputation. What should onchain reputation be based on and who do you think should own it?


Jesse Pollak 🔵Jesse Pollak 🔵

I don't think it should be owned by anyone, to be clear. The important thing about onchain is that for the first time, we own everything ourselves. I think it's going to become much more heterogeneous and emergent. There's not going to be a reputation protocol. Instead, there are going to be millions of applications that add their own filters of information to your identity on chain - so you can control how it shows up. Some of those things will be financial, some will be social, but they'll all come together to represent who you are on chain. It's going to let you go experience all of these applications that are built and customized to you.